Saturday, September 19, 2009

At my father's

Thanks the now two followers. Haha, trying to do some much...but I can't.
Today, i'm at my dad's house and I'll be there for the duration of the weekend...grr I don't really like it here, and when they get mad at us they always do, they get mad at everyone but johny, but that all changed! Mwahahaha! Johny got in trouble for being a cry baby! Chit, i gotta go....helping this gpa I don't know move....byes! Hope I get on tomorow!
Peace out!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Second post of the night.

Hello, This is my second blog but I'm just going to say this before bed. I want this to be a school blog, so I'm letting other people post things up. Soon I want to get my own domain name. Hopefully the school will let me have a school-wide blog. That would be the best. Sorry, gotta go. Night!

First blog of the week!

Hello, my name is Kailee M. I go to Bonneville High, and this is my blog. Apparently i'm another bored girl that decided to post her mind. if you want me to say something, or whatever ask me! Just send me an email @ I love to meet new people, and I hope you don't bag on me much. Have a fruity day.